By Andrew Starke
The Rudd Government’s decision to make the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) solely responsible for the administration of all excise-equivalent goods (EEGs) has been applauded by the Distilled Sprits Industry Council of Australia (DSICA).
The industry body said it welcomed simplification of the previously duplicated arrangements.
The new system will see the ATO take over the administration of excise payments from Customs, which will retain its border control function. This will reduce red-tape that has had a major impact on the industry and its compliance burden.
“It is a very sensible, pragmatic move that modernises the administration arrangements we have had to endure for so many years,” DSICA information and research manager, Stephen Riden, said. “The industry has argued for this change for a long time, thankfully common-sense has prevailed.”
“A single agency approach to managing excise goods will see lower costs for both the Government and the industry. That is a welcome development and the Government is to be congratulated.”