By Andrew Starke
The Coogee Bay Hotel entered into last Sunday’s Red Bull Flu Tag (Nov 7) and caused a sensation with their flying machine.
General manager of the hotel, Tony Williams, told TheShout: "We loved the day and plan to organise a flying machine for next year's event".
40 competitors took part in the event at Sydney's Royal Botanical Gardens, with an enthusiastic crowd 30,000 spectators cheering them on.
Unfortunately the Coogee Bay team of intrepid aviators was not able to trouble Team SAAA (Sports Aircraft Association of Australia) and their Thunderbird craft, which smashed the previous Australian record of 17.8 metres with a 20.5 metre flight.
From left to right: Jess Woolston (brasserie worker at the hotel); Saskia Valkema (functions organiser and designer of the machine); and Ross Williams (diving at the front), who is a worker in the brasserie. Williams also participated and is behind the beer glass machine.