By Andy Young
Lion has today announced that it will shift around 20 million litres of annual brewing volume from the Boag's Brewery in Tasmania, a move that will see approximately 39 roles being made redundant.
Traditionally the Boag's Brewery was focused on the Boag's portfolio, but since Lion acquired the business in 2007 various national brands have been produced in Launceston for export to the mainland. A spokesperson for Lion confirmed to TheShout that production of Tooheys, Hahn and XXXX will be moving from Boag's to the mainland.
James Brindley, managing director Lion beer, spirits and wine Australia said: “This change will essentially return the Boag’s Brewery to its traditional focus on the Boag’s portfolio of Tasmanian beers, which is still a very substantial 36 million litres.
"We have capacity in our national network and the Boag’s Brewery in its current format is also under-utilised. This change will allow us to reconfigure the Boag’s Brewery to a size more appropriate for the Boag’s portfolio, significantly improving efficiency."
Lion said that changes will result in approximately 39 roles being made redundant, as well as additional impacts to contractor roles.
Brindley added: “This is not something we have taken lightly and is no reflection on the dedication and capability of our people at the Boag’s Brewery or the importance of the Tasmanian market to our business. We recognise the impact this will have on our people and we will be providing them with comprehensive support to help them manage this transition.”
Lion added that while the exact timing is still to be confirmed it expects the move to be completed by the end of September 2016. The Boag's Centre for Beer Lovers will continue to operate and change will not affect any Boag's beers, which the company said will continue to be brewed in Launceston, using Tasmanian hops, malt and yeast.
Way to stuff a brewery and a state. Well done idiots. First tap kingthen Boags.