By Andrew Starke

More than 1,600 people from across Queensland have had their say on the $8.5 million Drink Safe Precincts (DSP) being trialled in the State’s hot spots.

The areas in question are Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley, Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast and Townsville’s CBD.

Deputy Premier and Minister responsible for liquor regulation, Paul Lucas, said surveys had been developed to target five key groups of stakeholders in the DSPs.

The survey questioned patrons, residents, people who own or run a business, workers and service providers, and people who own or manage a licensed venue in a DSP.

Lucas said survey respondents were asked questions about their experience and a variety of topics including perceptions of safety, public amenity and the impact of initiatives in the DSPs.

“Not surprisingly, alcohol-related violence was the top issue of concern amongst all survey respondents,” he said.

“Patrons who visit DSPs identified lack of public toilets, drink driving, queues at taxi ranks and lack of public transport as the next most important issues.

“Service providers, residents, businesses and licensees reported public drunkenness, illicit drug use and lack of public toilets followed violence as the most important issues.”

According to Lucas, the feedback for measures implemented to date has been very positive, with the majority of respondents reported that they had noticed the increased presence of police in the DSPs.

“Respondents also generally indicated they were aware that people can now be banned from these areas for up to 12 months,” he said.

“The visible presence of police was considered to be the most effective strategy, and over half of those surveyed agree that banning people from precincts is effective.

”The results show that this is money well spent – whilst we still have a long way to go we know our DSP initiatives are working,” he added.

The information will help inform measures, priorities and actions for the remainder of the DSP trial and will guide discussions with the DSP Committees, made up of local and State Government representatives and local industry and business.

It is anticipated that the DSP surveys will be conducted on a six-monthly basis for the two-year duration of the trial to measure any change over time.

For full survey results, click here.

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