Distilled in the heart of the Liberties district of Dublin, the award-winning Dubliner Whiskey & Dubliner Whiskey & Honeycomb Liqueur have unveiled their new visual identity, with a fresh logo and bottle design that celebrates its contemporary audience.
The unveiling has been highly anticipated by Australian retailers and consumers, after a successful global launch in the UK and US. The new design puts the focus squarely on the brand’s distinct personality and provenance, whilst the simplicity of the new packaging aims to reflect the straight-talking style for which Dubliners are renowned for.

This refreshed new look will be rolled out across the Dubliner core range including the bold and robust Dubliner Irish Whiskey, a 3-year-old blended whiskey aged in bourbon casks, and the Whiskey & Honeycomb Liqueur, which is illustrious for its delicious and smooth blend of the whiskey with honeycomb and caramel.
Spear-headed by the young and dynamic Irish team from the Dublin Liberties Distillery, they believe this package re-launch is the perfect way to welcome in a new age of whiskey drinkers.

APAC Marketing Manager at GAP Drinks, Nicole Moore says, ‘Irish Whiskey is without a doubt one of the most dynamic alcoholic categories in the world, however we believe there’s more growth yet to be unlocked in Australia by appealing to Gen Z and Millennials. This refreshed identity for Dubliner comes at the perfect time for this new age of consumers who are looking for delicious and affordable whiskeys. With its new eye-catching design, the bottle’s exterior appropriately reflects the quality of the liquid inside; and will assuredly stand out to consumers at point of sale.”
While the Dubliner Whiskey & Honeycomb Liqueur is best served directly over ice, or as an ice-cold shot, its also renowned for its versatility in mixed drinks and cocktails. These include:
Honeycomb Espresso Martini

30ml Dubliner Whiskey & Honeycomb Liqueur
30ml First Press Cold Brew
30 ml MrBlack
Shake all ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker until chilled. Fine strain into a chilled, stemmed cocktail glass. Grate a coffee bean over the drink to garnish.
Fresh & Co.

45ml Dubliner Whiskey & Honeycomb Liqueur
90ml Freshly juiced green apples
Pour in Dubliner, fill the glass with ice and top with freshly juiced green apples. Garnish with a lime wedge or sliced green apples.
For on trade enquiries, please contact your local SouthTrade Sales Representative or Head Office on (02) 8080 9150.
Or contact Nicole Moore at GAP Drinks on
0427 609 846 or nicolemoore@gapdrinks.com
Alternatively, please visit https://dublinerwhiskey.com/