After a short break from Christmas and New Year, The Shout is back and ready for another year of bringing you all the latest news and information regarding Australia’s liquor and hospitality industry.

Later this month it will be three years since the first COVID-19 case was recorded in Australia, and the virus continues to cause havoc around the country. But the industry has shown the power of its resilience and will be looking ahead to continuing its recovery from the pandemic, lockdowns and closures.

It is also now over three years since the Chinese Government imposed huge tariffs on Australian wine imported into the country. The impact of those tariffs has been huge for many wine businesses, and while there is promising signs of a thawing in relations between the two countries, the tariffs remain in place and wineries are embracing new strategies regarding export markets.

In the spirits world Australian spirits continue to grow and improve with the Australian Distillers Association continuing to expand. We’re also seeing exciting developments in the Australian agave space, with Top Shelf International’s huge agave farm in Queensland increasing in size and areas like Western Australia also looking at growing agave with a view to making spirits.

Beer is also a very interesting space with consolidation always circling the rumour mill and brewers continuing to push boundaries and make outstanding beers. More and more brewers are focusing on sustainability and you can be sure we will bring all the latest news as this trend continues in 2023.

We will also maintain our focus on reporting pub sales, new products, legislation developments, company updates and many other aspects of this amazing industry. We also want to report on the issues that matter to you, so please drop us a line if there is anything you would like us to investigate. You can contact the whole editorial team simply be emailing:

Additionally we couldn’t do what we do and bring you the news three days a week if it wasn’t for the support of our advertisers and sales partners. If you would like to be a part of that support network, then contact: Shane Williams – General Manager Sales Liquor & Hospitality Group,

On behalf of all the team, have a safe, prosperous and happy 2023.

Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.

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