By Andrew Starke
IGT has launched Dynamic Buttons in Australia on its IGT bluechip Neo machine and is promoting the concept at trade shows around the country.
Traditionally buttons have had to have plastic inserts in them to indicate the number of lines or bets to be played.
According to IGT, this can cause problems when a game is changed as the venue may put the wrong pay or line inserts into a button, which can lead to confusion and complaints from players.
It also greatly limits the flexibility of machines, especially when downloadable games come to Australia and a gaming machine can have several different games automatically loaded onto it at different times of the day.
IGT's dynamic buttons become an animated display with small LED screens in each button.
Dynamic Buttons become part of the game and eliminate the problem of the buttons having the wrong inserts.
The buttons can also 'come alive', with animations or graphic sequences relevant to the game being played.
Dynamic buttons really come into their own with Multistar games," commented, IGT Product Manager, Chris Gialouris.
"Up until now machines featuring a multi-game package have been limited to games of the same play styles as the buttons needed to remain consistent. Dynamic Buttons allow the buttons to change according to the game, so you can have games with different denominations, different line and/or pay configurations. This provides great value for a venues gaming investment.”
Click on the video below to watch an interview with IGT marketing manager, Nigel Turner.
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