By Amelia Ball

Independent Distillers launched a new print campaign today in a bid to raise awareness about the RTD tax and the way it is pushing some younger consumers toward what has been called “risky behaviour”.

A series of ads ran in nine major metro newspapers today with the headline ‘What does $30 Get a Binge Drinker?’ – showing that $30 worth of RTDs offer the least amount of standard drinks against their beer, wine and full bottle spirit counterparts.

The ad also states; “We agree that more has to be done to halt binge drinking, but this new tax is not the answer. The Government’s own figures show an increase in consumption of beer, wine and spirits – encouraging risky behaviour for young people not used to responsible drinking.”

Independent Distillers CEO Peter Murphy said they were speaking up because if the excise passes the Senate, it poses a “very real threat” to the viability of their Laverton manufacturing plant.

“This would mean the loss of 135 jobs at our factory in Laverton and potentially a further 150 among our suppliers and customers, and the evaporation of the $40m we contribute annually to the Victorian economy in areas such as packaging, raw materials and transport logistics,” Murphy said.

“We believe that through a fair and equitable system of taxation, the Australian Government can steer producers and consumers toward lower alcohol products.”

Murphy confirmed that Independent Distillers would continue to speak out until a final decision is made about the RTD tax and the future of their factory.


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