By Andy Young

TheShout has spoken to various organisations and associations to get their views of the Callinan Review into the 2014 NSW Liquor Act.

The review was published yesterday and recommends that the 10pm restriction on take-away packaged alcohol sales be moved to 11pm, with the home delivery of alcohol to be allowed until midnight. Also that the 1.30am lock outs and 3am last drinks in the Sydney Central Entertainment precincts be each extended by 30 minutes for live entertainment venues.

In speaking about the review, AHA NSW Director of Liquor and Policing John Green said: "The recommendation to return one of the two hours removed from take-away sales is a step in the right direction, but we are still at a loss to understand why it was wound back state-wide in the first place."

But the Association said it was disappointed there had been no recommendation to remove the blanket 1.30am lockout measures. 

“We don’t support blanket measures that unfairly penalise many safe, well-run venues with a proven track record of compliance.” Green said.

Green added that pubs in NSW host over 63,000 nights of live music each year and he welcomed the recommendation to relax the lockout slightly for city venues with live music – even if it is only by 30 minutes.

Fergus Taylor, the Executive Director of Alcohol Beverages Australia, told TheShout: "Recommendations to reduce the restrictions on takeaway and home delivery are positive, but keeping blanket measures like 1:30am lockout laws in place will punish responsible drinkers and venues for the violent crimes of a small minority.

"Continuing to blame violence almost entirely on the availability of alcohol ignores its many and complex causes and will do little to alleviate it in the longer term.

"We support any changes that will allow businesses to operate more fairly and encourage Sydneysiders and visitors to come out again and breathe nightlife back into the city.

"ABA will now consider the report in detail."

Merivale and Gallagher Hotels have declined to comment on the review, while Solotel, and Bourke St have yet to respond to enquiries from TheShout.

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