By James Atkinson

Acclaimed Tasmanian single malt whisky Sullivans Cove has been awarded a coveted Liquid Gold award in Jim Murray's 2015 Whisky Bible. 

Sullivans Cove American Oak Cask HH0047 scored 95.5/100 in this year's bible, the highest score ever achieved by an Australian whisky. 

This comes after Sullivans Cove French Oak was named the world's best single malt in the 2014 World Whisky Awards in London.

Chief distiller Patrick Maguire commented: "This award is a fantastic recognition of the superior quality of our range and it is great to have the American Oak in the limelight after all the attention that the French Oak has been getting of late." 

"This award is made so much more special by the fact that barrel HH0047 was the 47th cask that we ever made and it's great to know that we got it right so early." 

Speaking about American Oak Cask HH0047, Murray said it was "hard to imagine a malt whisky being more malt whiskier".

"Few distilleries do weight on delivery better than this one… exemplary malt whisky: absolutely beautiful."

In addition to Sullivans Cove, fellow Tassie distillers Lark, Heartwood, Old Hobart and Nant have all achieved 'Liquid Gold' status, awarded by Jim Murray to whiskies that score 94/100 or higher in his Whisky Bible.

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