By James Atkinson
Lion is currently exploring what the next generation of Tap King could look like, according to Lion Beer, Spirits and Wine boss James Brindley, who admits sales of the product have fallen short of expectations.
In an interview at last week’s Australian Liquor Stores Association Conference, Brindley told TheShout Lion is considering adjusting the format, with different sizes and a new pouring mechanism possibly on the table.
“It has not met the sales targets we had in mind, but we’re very glad we did it because it’s brought more interest into beer, and it has given us a lot of really good ideas for both on and off-premise innovation in the future,” Brindley said. [continues below]
L-R: Treasury Wine's Angus McPherson, Lion's James Brindley and ALSA president Giuseppe Minissale
He reiterated his words of 12 months ago, that future promotional activities around the product will focus on the premium SKUs available in the format, which currently include James Boag’s and James Squire Chancer Golden Ale and 150 Lashes.
“The price premium in Tap King is better supported by premium brands,” he said.
Other possible applications of Tap King may even include a larger format for Lion’s on-premise customers, Brindley said.
“If you want tap beer in small bars and you don’t want to get a full tap kit, then maybe you can get a five-litre one for the on-premise,” he said.
“We’re exploring alternatives, it’s an area ripe for innovation and it takes time to get it right.”