By Ian Neubauer

Licensees across the state are being invited to attend a series of public forums to prepare them for the biggest shake-up of the state’s liquor laws in a quarter of a century.

NSW Minister for Liquor, Gaming and Racing, Graham West, said the state’s 14,200 licensees will be invited to attend 16 free liquor law forums in April and May to ensure they understand the new Liquor Act, which comes into effect on July 1.

“Local councils, police, industry peak bodies, hospitality workers, RSA training providers, tourism operators, liquor accords and members of the community are also invited to attend the forums,” the minister said.

“The new liquor laws will provide greater protection for local communities and individuals from alcohol-related violence and anti-social behaviour with expanded powers to deal with irresponsible licensees and unruly patrons,” he said.

Forum speakers will include the Commissioner of the NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing, Michael Foggo, CEO of the new Casino Liquor Control Authority, Brian Farrell, and the Director of Liquor and Gaming, Albert Gardner.

Information about the new Casino, Liquor and Gaming Control Authority and an explanation of the new compliance regime including new enforcement and offence provisions will also be provided in the forums.

For information on forum locations and schedules, click here.

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