By Andrew Starke

The Australian wine community is set to launch a new campaign to raise awareness of its regions and redefine the image and perception of Australian wine around the world: 'A+ Australian Wine – every one has a story'.

“Just as being ‘good’ is no longer ‘good enough’, so the place from which a wine comes needs to be much more than just a statement on a label,” said Wine Australia’s GM for market development, Paul Henry.

“It is the people and regions within our wine community that make Australia truly distinct, and more than ever these need to be central to our engagement with trade, media and consumers.

“It is time for us to take back the reins in terms of what our story is and who we entrust to tell it.”

Wine Australia is inviting Australian wineries to share their own stories at and across social media platforms where A+ will become the defining signature of interaction with great Australian wine.

The site will engage online communities and ultimately assist in prompting a positive change in image, price and representation.

“At a time when the country is making better wine than ever before, we need a 'best-foot-forward' strategy that will use the country’s most distinctive wines, regions and winemakers to illustrate that sense of being uniquely Australian, “ said Henry.

“A+ will represent the confluence of everything that makes our wines uniquely Australian – country, place and character. It’s time the world took another look at Australian wine.”

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