By Andy Young

The Liquor Stores Association New South Wales (LSA NSW) is launching a partnership with Alinta Energy, designed to help members save on their energy bill.

The deal comes as the Federal Government has released a report which shows that small businesses are likely to face electricity bills which are double what they were 10 years ago.

In releasing the information Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg said: “Every business is feeling the pressure of higher electricity prices and every dollar they have to spend unnecessarily on their power bills leaves less money to reinvest in their business to create jobs.”

The LSA NSW and Alinta deal will see members register with LSA, to help get access to competitive pricing and the association hopes the partnership will help retailers save money and reduce their cost of doing business.

LSA NSW’s Executive Director, Michael Waters, told TheShout: “Our motivation here is to help members save money, as we have been able to do with many of our other members services, like our Business Insurance Programme. We understand that a liquor retailer's energy bill is one of their biggest ongoing business expenses and costs of doing business – easily top three or four, and with electricity costs continuing to increase, more and more businesses are finding it harder to cope.

"Recent pilot testing across metro and regional stores has delivered promising results, in some instances saving stores literally thousands of dollars. What’s more, the Alinta partnership also covers a deal for the ‘residential’ market, meaning our members’ staff will be able to save money on their home energy bills too."

LSA NSW members who wish to register an interest in signing up to the Alinta deal should contact LSA NSW on 02 8335 3200, or head to the LSA NSW website.

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