By James Atkinson
Mountain Goat Beer and Mornington Peninsula Brewery have both released beers in cans in recent weeks.
Following the successful release of its Summer Ale in 375ml cans, Mountain Goat has released Fancy Pants, a supercharged version of its flagship Hightail Ale, in the same format.
"Fancy Pants takes our Hightail as a base and steps it up a level in terms of hop character, ABV and mouthfeel," Mountain Goat co-founder Cam Hines told TheShout.
"We released it a year or so back in our Rare Breed 640ml bottle format and it went really well, so we thought, 'why not bring it back in a can?'"
Hines said the Summer Ale in 375ml cans will return as a permanent line in September.
"Sales far exceeded our expectation this summer just gone," he said.
Elsewhere in Victoria, Mornington Peninsula Brewery has installed a canning line and recently celebrated the release of its Pale Ale in the new container.
"In terms of distribution, they will be going to all good bottleshops in Melbourne and have made their way to a couple of shops each in Queensland, WA and NSW," national sales coordinator Michael Chaffe told TheShout.
Also this month, Sydney's Australian Brewery concluded the latest stage of its Canbassador promotion, which aimed to raise awareness of its range of canned products.
Cans have become the format of choice for many of North America's leading craft breweries, a trend their Australian counterparts look set to follow.