A new soccer guide with a difference is now available in Australia, which rather than focusing on the grounds and games is showing punters the best places to catch all the action across the country’s host cities.

The Libero Guide has established its name across Europe and North America as the place where soccer meets travel, with details of the best places to watch football in 500 cities.

Founder Peterjon Cresswell told The Shout: “Libero caters to the travelling fan, the casual tourist and anyone besotted by the beautiful game. The guide is collated from first-hand research and original photography by 75 contributors from the Azores to Zabrze, Libero’s material is authentically sourced and not downloaded in somebody’s bedroom.

“Each of those stadiums, bars and hotels has been visited, the proof being the 25,000 images used on the site and disseminated on four platforms of social media.

“And we have done the same across Australia and New Zealand for this FIFA Women’s World Cup and with the Matilda’s really capturing the nation’s hearts, let’s hope they can continue the momentum with a win over England.”

For any fans still wondering where to head to, to watch tonight’s crucial semi-final between Australia and England, head to The Libero Guide to find the best sports bars in your area. And Go The Matildas!

Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.

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