By James Atkinson
New South Wales' top liquor licensing authorities will sit on an upcoming Liquor Stores Association NSW panel discussion about key regulatory issues affecting the state's bottleshops.
The high profile panel on October 28 will include Pat Paroz, commander of Drugs & Alcohol Coordination Command at NSW Police, Paul Newson, executive director of the NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming & Racing (OLGR) and Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority (ILGA) chief executive Micheil Brodie.
They will be joined by LSA NSW president David Reberger, chief financial officer of Kemenys.
Topics of discussion will include:
- NSW Liquor Act 2007 Review;
- Risk-Based Licence Fee Scheme;
- State roll-out of the Environment & Venue Assessment Tool (EVAT);
- OLGR’s increasing compliance activity;
- Proposed changes to RSA Training regime;
- Government’s plans for Liquor Accords; and
- Proposed changes to the Community Impact Statement (CIS) process.
LSA NSW executive director Michael Waters told TheShout: "We appreciate these senior ILGA, OLGR and police representatives making themselves available for this event, as it is important that our members and stakeholders hear first-hand about key regulatory issues affecting the industry and their businesses."
"This year has seen the introduction of a significant number of regulatory changes, which liquor retailers across NSW are still coming to terms with, so we anticipate a robust discussion," he said.
The event will be held from 3pm to 5pm on Tuesday October 28 at the All Sorts Function Centre, Level 4, 184 Bourke Road, Alexandria.
The event is free for members and $50 + GST per person for non-members.
Registration is available here.