By Clyde Mooney

Even as the Prime Minister hedges the gambling reform bet with the introduction of a trial of mandatory pre-commitment in the ACT, the gaming industry is saying too much, too soon.

The offer made by Minister Jenny Macklin on Friday night to Chief Executive of Clubs ACT, Jeff House, reportedly contains a time-frame for implementation that is still unrealistic according to Ross Ferrar, chief executive of the Gaming Technologies Association (GTA).

"In terms of software, it takes about a year to develop, test, get independent accreditation, submit for approval and obtain approval from regulators before you can have something that can be sold to machine owners. We’re on very tight time-frames already," Ferrar said.

Speaking to TheShout, Ferrar voiced concerns over the impact the trial may have on the revenues of those premises involved.

"I personally think the impact on revenue has been underestimated and could go way beyond figures of 20 per cent."

Clubs ACT's House said no agreement has been signed at this stage, and the organisation's Constitution requires two weeks written notice to members prior to a special general meeting, so no final decision will be made until at least February 4.

The trial comes as a compromise bid to the agreement struck in 2010 between Tasmanian Independent, Andrew Wilkie, and the un-elected Gillard Government in return for his support.

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