By Ian Neubauer
The Queensland Government will pass a new law this year to crack down on the reckless supply of alcohol to minors by parents and adults.
Until now, authorities in Queensland have focused on the regulation of alcohol at the point of sale. But Queensland Treasurer Andrew Fraser the new law plans to take this one step further.
Fraser said prosecuting parents for reckless supply was not about prosecuting parents who allow their children a glass of wine but those who purchased alcohol on their children’s behalf.
The new law, which will see offenders fined up to $3,000, is meant to help put a curb on violent teenage parties and the alcohol-fuelled Schoolies event at which high-school graduates from around Australia congregate on the Gold Coast for a week of revelry every year.
Police said they would implement the law by using CCTV to catch offenders buying alcohol and passing it on to minors. However, observers have expressed doubts on the effectiveness of this strategy.
The new law will spell out exactly what constitutes “reckless” supply of alcohol to minors. It will be enacted toward the end of the year under broad changes to the Liquor Act.