By Ian Neubauer
Hotels in Sydney’s west were told by police to refuse entry to rugby league players on Mad Monday (September 8) — the traditional celebratory day marking the end of the season.
Directives were issued by police warning licensees of their responsible service of alcohol duties and of the likelihood of undercover inspections on the night, News Ltd reported.
PJ Gallaghers in Parramatta said police sent an email last week warning the venue not to admit NRL players or risk being sprung by licensing officers.
The warning was reinforced by AHA NSW chief executive, Sally Fielke, who sent members a memo urging them to be vigilant on the day.
“The Government, Police and Press will be closely monitoring our industry during the traditional ‘Mad Monday’ celebrations,” the memo said.
“Members are urged to remain vigilant to ensure the responsible service of alcohol and patron behaviour to avoid intoxication on the premises and disturbances in the neighbourhood.”
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