By Andy Young

Sydney Craft Beer Week (SCBW) has launched its 2016 program, which features more than 100 events at over 75 venues across the city.

Taking place from Friday 21 October through to Sunday 30 October the week promises a wide range of events and international brewery guests.

SCBW Director Joel Connolly said: “This year’s program is a reflection of the craft beer industry’s growing popularity. I started Sydney Craft Beer Week six years ago for quite selfish reasons, I just wanted to drink good beer and Sydney was in short supply. Now there are hundreds of incredible brewers doing some awesome things all across the city, which makes programming an event like Sydney Craft Beer Week a whole lot more fun.”

The week kicks off with the Opening Gala Night at the Giant Dwarf in Redfern, with guests able to sample a showcase of beers and brewers that will be featured over the rest of the week.

The 2016 SCBW will also feature the inaugural Sydney Craft Beer Awards, which will recognise not only the best beers and brewers but also “all those behind the scenes that make the craft beer scene in Sydney as rich and vibrant as it is today.”

All details of this year’s SCBW events can be found on the Sydney Craft Beer Week website.

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