Every week TheShout scours reports from every state and territory in the country to bring you news on crimes affecting the hotel, club and liquor industries. Sharing information on robberies and alcohol-related violence helps businesses develop systems to bolster security and can help police identify offenders. Know of an incident we’ve missed? Give us a shout at editor@

An off–duty policewoman was repeatedly pistol whipped and kicked by two men after attempting to tackle an offender during an armed hold-up at a Mornington Peninsula hotel on Wednesday evening. The pair fled the Somervile Hotel with $2000 in a vehicle that was later discovered burned by police. The officer involved, Sergeant Lisa Blick, was treated for head injuries at hospital but released shortly after. Senior officers have commended her bravery.

An Adelaide court has revoked the bail of Mohamed Abdulla Abdulrahman, 21, who stomped on the head of a man who made sexual advances toward him at the HQ nightclub in December 2006. It is alleged Abdulrahman punched the victim unconscious and then stomped on his head eight times. Abdulrahman’s attorney said his client was remorseful and asked the judge to suspend his sentence to allow him to continue psychological treatment. The request was denied and Abdulrahman was remanded in custody for sentencing in March.

Final submissions are being made in the case of Maurizio Rao, a Canberra nightclub owner on trial for the killing of a man who was fatally stabbed outside the Cube Nightclub on July 15, 2006. Prosecutors told the court the only issue in the case is whether the Crown has proved the accused inflicted the head wound — an issue disputed by the defence. Prosecutors said the knife that killed the victim belonged to Rao, who allegedly made attempts to hide the murder weapon from police. The case continues.

Brisbane Police are looking for a man with a distinctive cluster of moles on his lower back following the armed robbery of the MiHi Tavern on Fernvale Road at Brassall last Sunday night. A staff member was unlocking the office door when he was pushed from behind by a heavyset man and told to lie on the ground. The employee’s hands were bound with tape before the offender stole cash from the safe and fled.

Darwin Police arrested three men on Monday in relation to a break-in at Kitty O’Sheas last week. The theft occurred at 7.30am on February 11 where the offenders entry gained to the Mitchell Street premises and took $30,000 in cash from a safe.

An 18-year-old man was arrested in relation to an attempted break at Winnellie Cellars that took place last Thursday. The man was charged with five counts of unlawful entry as police believe he had been involved in four separate raids of the same bottle shop. 

Three people were charged at Campbelltown in Sydney’s southwest last Friday night when a large brawl erupted while police were patrolling a club in Camden Road as part of Operation Mega Vikings. Police attempts to break up the brawl were hindered by the crowd that surrounded them and pulled them back, with one officer being placed in a headlock. Urgent assistance was required before police were able to restore order.

Sydney Police arrested nine people following a disturbance involving 15 to 20 people at Darling Harbour’s King Street Wharf on Sunday morning. Six males, one female and a minor were arrested and charged with a litany of offenses, including resisting arrest, assaulting police, affray and offensive language. One of the arrested men was stunned with a taser after allegedly pinning an officer to the ground, while two other men were taken to a nearby hospital suffering head injuries after being assaulted by the group. 

Two men armed with machetes entered a hotel on Merrylands Road, Greystanes, on Wednesday night and demanded money from an employee working in a bottle shop. There were about 20 patrons in the hotel at the time of the robbery, one of who was assaulted and taken to hospital for a minor head injury. The offenders, described as being of Pacific Islander appearance, escaped in a small white sedan driven by a third man. 

A 23 year-old former hotel employee has been charged this week over the armed robbery of a hotel in The Rocks last year. The incident took place on June 1 when two men, one armed with a handgun, robbed two employees as they were leaving a Carrington Street hotel with a large sum of cash. Police attached to Strike Force McArthur — a special investigation established to identify the culprits behind a series of armed robberies on licensed premises in Sydney’s metropolitan area last year — have charged a total of three people over the incident.

Surry Hills Police have formulated a new strategy to respond to crime and anti-social behaviour within the nightlife areas of Oxford Street and Taylor Square. The strategy will see the sharing of responsibility for major events management with other police commands, freeing up Surry Hills Police to focus on local crime and safety issues. Surry Hills Police have traditionally been responsible for major events held at the Sydney Cricket Ground, the Sydney Football Stadium and the annual Mardi Gras event. The new strategy includes a review to determine improved methods to minimise gay and lesbian hate crimes in the area.

The Shout Team

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