Every week TheShout scours reports from every state and territory in the country to bring you news on crimes affecting the hotel, club and liquor industries. Know of an incident we’ve missed? Give us a shout at editor@ 

Nightclub owner Maurizio Rao was found not guilty over the 2006 killing of Nato Seula, The Sydney Morning Herald reported. Seula was fatally stabbed in the head and stomach during a brawl outside the Cube nightclub after an argument erupted between Rao, Seula and two friends of his who were attempting to enter the premises. Justice Gray ruled Rao had acted in self-defence and that the Crown had not adequately proved the defendant’s guilt beyond reasonable doubt.     

Police have charged a 28 year-old man in relation to the unarmed robbery of a Surfers Paradise bottle shop on Sunday afternoon. It is alleged the man entered the bottle shop, grabbed the attendant by the wrists and threatened him before leaving with a sum of cash. He has been charged with one count of robbery with violence. 

Three men have been charged in relation to the brutal assault and glassing of a 22 year-old man at the Berlin Bar in Surfers Paradise on December 24. It is alleged the victim was struck in the face, neck and torso with a broken bottle before being punched and kicked as he lay on the ground.

Two men broke into a bottle shop in Darwin’s northern suburbs on Wednesday morning and stole three bottles of alcohol from the store. Both men are described as being of Aboriginal appearance, one of who was wearing a distinctive black sleeveless shirt with a large orange image of a skull on the front. Investigations continue.

A man stole a quantity of cash from a handbag he removed from the bar area at Darwin’s Golf Links Motel after he entered the reception area and asked to use the toilet. He was apprehended by police and charged with stealing following an extensive search aided by information supplied by a member of the public.      

AFL footballer Paul Chapman, 26, had coins thrown into his face and was threatened with an umbrella by a man at the Cremorne Hotel in Geelong on Saturday night, an online sports portal reported. Police attended the scene but no charges were laid as Chapman is still considering a legal response.

Victoria Police has adopted an international policing model to target public order issues in Melbourne’s CBD. The new Police Operation Centre (POC) will operate each weekend with a team of police who will quickly respond to incidents throughout metropolitan Melbourne. The POC includes a new mobile command post stationed at the corners of Swanston and Flinders Streets on Saturday and Sunday nights, as well as targeted operations by undercover police at licensed premises.  

A violent brawl erupted last Saturday between members of rival outlaw motorcycle gangs Rebels and Life & Death at a hotel on Hannell Street, Wickham, a suburb of Newcastle. Batons, knives and lengths of timber were used as weapons during the incident before a large number of police were arrived to restore order at the scene. Two men were arrested and charged with affray and taken into custody.


The Shout Team

The leading online news service for Australia's beer, wine, spirits and hospitality industries.

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