Our Trade Buyers Guide series is proving more and more successful each month and our next edition of the Guide will bring together gins of all styles, from Australia and abroad, and give you all the information you need to make confident purchases  – and the deadline for submissions has been extended by one week.

From London Dry to contemporary, sloe gins or Old Toms, the Trade Buyers Guide is accepting submissions from gin producers of all styles.

This is your opportunity to benchmark your gins and have them tasted, judged, and scored by our panel of industry experts.

Our Trade Buyer’s Guide will be published within National Liquor News, The Shout, Australian Hotelier and Bars & Clubs, so don’t miss out on the chance to inform Australia’s trade buyers about your product.

The Guide offers you the opportunity to scale brand awareness and educate 247,000+ liquor retailers, bartenders, publicans, and industry professionals across both the on -and off-premise about your gin.

If you’re keen to be involved, then reach out to Deb Jackson on djackson@intermedia.com.au for more information.

The deadline for submissions has been extended to Friday 19 July.

Submissions to be sent to 41 Bridge Road Glebe NSW 2037.

There is no cost to you for sending your spirits to be judged, but there are advertising opportunities within the Buyer’s Guide. If you’d like to find out more about the commercial opportunities available within the Gin Buyers Guide, email Shane T Williams or call him on 0431 857 765.

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