Coopers have announced to new members of the Coopers Foundation Board with sixth-generation family member Bec Cooper and former South Australian Premier Steven Marshall joining the charitable foundation.

The Coopers Foundation was founded in 2006 and since then has donated more than $7.8m, with more than 260 charities receiving financial support from the Foundation.

Bec is the daughter of Coopers Foundation Chair, Mel Cooper, welcomed the two new Board members.

“Steven and Bec both have a strong commitment to community service in line with the Foundation’s aim to improve the quality of lives of Australians in need,” Mel said.

“Throughout his whole career, and most notably during his time as Premier and a member of Parliament, Steven has given tireless service to the community. Steven also comes from a family business background and shares the high value our family places on philanthropy.

“Bec is the first of the sixth generation of the Cooper family to join the Foundation Board. Bec has been actively involved with the Foundation’s fundraising work for over a decade and I’m delighted to see the next generation continuing the family’s charitable work.”

The two new appointments come as Haydn Duffield and Rear Admiral Hon Kevin Scarce retire as Governors on the Board, and Mel thanked the pair for their contribution to the Board.

“Haydn played a pivotal role in shaping the Foundation’s mission from the outset and his leadership has been highly valued throughout his 18 years of service,” she said.

“Kevin joined us with vast knowledge of the charity sector and his wise counsel and dedication has been instrumental in strengthening the Foundation’s community impact.

“Both men have left a legacy that will continue to shape the Foundation’s work for years to come and for which we are forever grateful.”

For more information on the Foundation go to

Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.

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