By Andrew Starke
The past weekend saw the launch of a new VB ad campaign as the Carlton United Brewers (CUB) brand returns to the basics in an attempt to hold its position as the country’s biggest selling beer.
The first commercial for its summer campaign, entitled ‘Destiny’, tells Australians that VB is brewed to be the nation’s best cold beer, by bringing to life the idea that VB and ice were destined to be together.
‘Destiny’ follows on from recent campaigns including the award-winning ‘Regulars’, which told Australians who drinks VB, and ‘Cry’ that showed the country who doesn’t.
The new ‘Destiny’ TVC goes one step further telling Australians why they should be drinking VB.
‘Destiny’ follows the respective journeys of two things its marketing team believe are made to be together – a case of VB and a big bag of ice.
“We wanted to focus on the heart of VB and that’s our beer,” said Craig Maclean, senior brand manager for VB.
”The new TVC puts the beer back in the spotlight by telling Australians why VB is the Best Cold Beer and that’s because its specially brewed to deliver full flavour when ice cold.
“The ‘Destiny’ TVC is just the tip of the iceberg for VB this summer. It will lay the foundation for a significant program to demonstrate why VB is the best cold beer,” Maclean added.
The brand is encouraged by recent ACNielsen Scantrack data indicating that VB is currently performing strongly against its key competitors in their home states, growing share ahead of Tooheys New in New South Wales and XXXX Bitter in Queensland.
To watch the commercial, click here.