By Andy Young

Wine Victoria and Victoria’s Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development, the Hon. Jaala Pulford have launched the Victorian Wine Industry Development Strategy.

The strategy, which took more than 18 months to compile, has mapped out agreements for industry and government to work together to help make Victoria the best wine state in Australia. In addition Minister Pulford has also committed nearly $900,000 of new funding to the second round of the Victorian Government’s Wine Growth Fund.

Wine Victoria Chair, Damien Sheehan, welcomed the strategy and government partnership.

“We are delighted with the very clear partnership we now have with the Victorian Government in this strategy,” Sheehan said

“The industry has gone through some difficult times in recent years but all the signs are that we are well on the way to blowing the bad times out of the water.

“We have increasing grape prices, record exports into China and a growing number of visitors heading to cellar doors – this strategy aims to ensure the winemakers and grape growers can make the most of these opportunities.”

The strategy, which was compiled by Wine Victoria in consultation with state industry leaders and wine companies, was designed to identify critical pressure points and deliver programs against the following areas:

  • Best practice Viticulture
  • Visitation to wine regions
  • Profitable and sustainable export markets
  • Strengthen industry structure and coordination.

Currently the wine industry directly contributes $7.6bn to the Victorian economy and employs just under 13,000 people – most of these jobs are in regional Victoria. 

“Both the strategy and the new money for the Wine Growth Fund clearly signifies the government’s recognition of the strong contribution that our industry makes to the state’s bottom line” Sheehan added. 

“Wine Victoria is ready to work with the Government to deliver the strategy and secure a strong future for our industry.”

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