By Amy Looker

The Wine Communicators of Australia (WCA) will hold its very first ‘Taste and Tweet’ session next Tuesday evening (Jul 27) at locations in Sydney, Melbourne and London.

Kicking off at 6:30pm in Sydney and Melbourne and 9:30am in London, guests are asked to bring along two bottles of Australian wine with a ‘Rare and Regional’ theme to the informal tasting, and then ‘tweet’ their thoughts and tasting notes online at social networking site, Twitter.

Each tasting venue will have a big screen where guests can view the live Twitter feed being generated at all three venues.

“With the global growth of social media platform Twitter getting people talking about wine, WCA is thrilled to introduce a new concept called ‘Taste and Tweet’,” said the WCA’s Trish Barry.

“The concept is a collaboration with our WCA Young Guns past and present, and the aim of the tasting is to facilitate networking between WCA members, and give people a chance to try wines which they normally may not be exposed to. It also has the added benefit of promoting our great Australian wines to the world and generating some positive buzz.”

There are still limited tickets available to all three ‘Taste and Tweet’ events. Click here for more information.


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