By Ian Neubauer

Cockatoo Ridge has defended itself over a controversial billboard starring beauty queen Erin McNaught, saying the company has been unduly painted as pedlars of porn.  

Controversy erupted yesterday after News Ltd reported Cockatoo Ridge had not obtained McNaught’s permission to publish a billboard campaign featuring the former Miss Universe contender with saucy slogans including ‘Who’s a cheeky girl then’, ‘McNaughty but nice’ and ‘She loves a cockatoo’.

Mcnaught said she attempted to veto the last slogan but the South Australian winemaker had told her it was too late as the billboards had already been printed.

Cockatoo Ridge managing director, Peter Perrin told TheShout McNaught was mistaken as her management company had approved the slogans in accordance to her contract. He said the company had not received a single complaint since the billboards were erected six weeks ago.  

“It seems what Erin told a reporter has been blown out of context. The campaign had rolled out quite nicely but now I have been turned into a peddler of porn,” Perrin said.

Perrin said the campaign had been carefully researched and received positive feedback from focus groups, but conceded the ad would be discontinued.  

“I do not want to look like I have gone out of my way to be controversial. It is a fun campaign but now the fun police have had their say and made it out to be bad, so we will bow to public pressure. We never wanted to offend anyone,” he said.

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