By Andy Young

The Winemakers’ Federation of Australia (WFA) and the Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference Inc. (AWITC) have announced that they will continue their partnership to deliver a combined business and technical conference for the Australian wine industry in Adelaide in July 2019.

This announcement follows the successful alignment of the 16th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference and WFA’s Outlook Conference earlier this year.

WFA Chief Executive Tony Battaglene said the 2019 conference would again provide a forum for all members of the Australian wine community to come together.

“This event will continue to deliver opportunities to discuss the key issues affecting our industry’s direction and will drive developments in the national policy agenda”.

AWITC Chair Dr Dan Johnson welcomed the ongoing alignment of the two events, adding: “It is very pleasing to be able to build on the success of the 2016 conference and again deliver an event that will address both technical and business issues in one forum. This makes a lot of sense at a time when questions of profitability and sustainability are at the forefront for the Australian wine community.”

Primary Industries and Regions SA Executive Director, Agriculture, Food and Wine, Jo Collins, said hosting the combined wine conference in Adelaide cemented South Australia’s reputation as a Great Wine Capital of the World. 

“Adelaide is home to the National Wine Centre, the Australian Wine Research Institute and national representative bodies such as the Winemakers’ Federation of Australia and Wine Australia,” Ms Collins said.

“There is no better location to bring together Australia’s wine community which plays a significant role in our economy, not just here in South Australia but nationally. The State Government, through PIRSA, is proud to sponsor the conference again in 2019.”

The combined conference will be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre and will be complemented by the Australian Wine Industry Trade Exhibition. Registrations for the combined event will open in February 2019. 

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