The award-winning alcohol awareness program, Smashed, has launched a new look website this week, designed to make it easier for Australian teachers to access the free, curriculum-aligned resource.

Smashed was launched in 2018 and since then students in every state and territory have experienced the highly-impactful program and learned about the risks of underage drinking.

Smashed was created in collaboration with young people and combines drama with interactive workshops to help them understand the facts, causes and consequences of underage drinking.

The program reduces alcohol-related harm among teens by equipping young people with the facts, skills and confidence to make responsible choices.

Sophia Clayton, a Year Eight student from Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs, experienced a Smashed performance at her school recently and said the program had changed her perception of alcohol.

“I loved Smashed. I think it was very enjoyable and I liked how they presented it in a way that we could all relate to,” Sophia said.

“Smashed has confirmed I don’t want to drink until I’m 18 or above. You have to be careful when you drink because it can impact your future.”

Smashed is delivered in Australia by Gibber Educational and is sponsored by Diageo Australia.

Tim Watt, Director of Gibber Educational said: “The Smashed program is an effective and engaging way to help students understand the risks of underage drinking and help reduce the rates of underage drinking in Australian students. We work to empower young people with the necessary skills and knowledge to make healthy life choices around alcohol.”

Angus McPherson, Managing Director of Diageo Australia added: “Diageo Australia is deeply committed to reducing underage drinking and alcohol-related harm in the community. The Smashed Project supports Diageo’s aims to contribute to the World Health Organisation’s goal of achieving a 10 per cent reduction in harmful drinking by 2025.”

Smashed is aligned to state and national curricula and offers schools the flexibility to host a live performance or educate students through an interactive online program.

Rochelle Dawson, Head of Year Nine Mathematics/Science Teacher at Sunshine Beach High School in Qld said: “The performance was engaging, entertaining and very relevant to my Year Nine cohort. From the minute it started, the students were into it. I do truly believe the students took away many positive messages from the experience. It is a great way to explore these themes.”

Schools interested in participating in the Smashed tour should register via emailing:

For more information about Smashed and to check out the new website, head to:

Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.

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